Saturday, 22 February 2014

Travelling into Italian culture - Puglia

Puglia (or Apulia) is the "heel" of Italy.

Click on the following Thinglink image I've created to have some information:

I've also created a  presentation with Blendspace . You can find videos, pictures, recipes and information about Apulia:  

And now some information by my students about their town:
In this blog we usually travel around the world and study different cultures, now we want to talk about ourselves! Our school is in Gioia del Colle, Puglia. It literally means "Joy of the Hill" and it is located on the Murge plateau at 360 metres above the sea level.
There is a famous Castle, built in the 12th century, during the time of Norman Count Riccardo Siniscalco d'Altavilla. Destroyed by William the Wicked of Sicily, the castle was rebuilt in 1230 by Emperor Frederick II.

Gioia del Colle is famous for its fantastic "mozzarella"!

This is our school

At the following link you can have some information about some monuments of Gioia del Colle:

Come and visit Puglia!!