45 years ago man landed on the Moon. Let's celebrate this event talking about our magical satellite. It has always inspired artists from all over the world. How can we talk about the moon in our EFL classes? Here you can find some activities that involve the use of digital tools.
First of all, some information about that great day.
The first Moon landing
First Moon Landing-July 20 1969
Surf the following sites to get more information.
Nasa: http://www.nasa.gov/about/highlights/what_does_nasa_do.html#.U58bD5R_utI
Apollo 11: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/apollo/apollo11_40th.html#.U58XTpR_utI
A day in the life aboard the International Space Station (some videos from the space!): http://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/teachingfromspace/dayinthelife/index.html#.U58Y4JR_utJ
A brief history of rockets: http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/k-12/TRC/Rockets/history_of_rockets.html
A clickable spacesuit experience: http://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/spacesuits/home/clickable_suit.html#.U58cF5R_utI
The Moon
The Moon:
A tour of the Moon by Nasa
Now imagine that you are a journalist. Write an article on Joomag and tell your readers about the first Moon landing. If you prefer, you can also imagine that you are an astronaut: describe your rocket, your spacesuit and your daily routine in the space.
The Moon in Arts
Have a look at my presentation about some famous Moon poems. At the end of the slide show there are two videos about poems (and haiku) writing . What about trying to write to the Moon?
(For more information on how to write a poem see this post of mine:
Poems about the Moon often use a figurative language. You could try PicLits to write a poem starting from a picture. Once you choose your image, you can use the "drag and drop" option: you have some nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs related to that picture. Moreover, if you click on "Learn It" you'll have some information about the basics of creative writing.
Some famous moon paintings:
Fly me to the Moon - Frank Sinatra
Blue Moon - The Mavericks
Man on the Moon - R.E.M.
The Moon Song - Karen O
Can you play any instruments? Can you compose music? Try Noteflight to compose your song to the Moon! Write your song's lyrics, as well. Listen to the songs above and reflect on the imagery that they suggest.