Monday, 26 May 2014

End of the school year - Some activities using digital tools (and revising grammar!)

School is almost over... 

We've been working hard and now we need to relax!
Let's  think about the school year just spent together.

What did I learn?
Did I enjoy my lessons and my teachers?
Did I have fun with my school mates?
Which are the most memorable moments?
What would I like to say to my teachers and friends now?
What am I doing next summer?
How will  next school year be like?

This year we have been learning a lot of grammar.... but we've been trying to use new technology, as well. Let's try to put the things together! You can choose one of the following activities which allow you to prepare your report or tell your story using images, photos and videos!

Students' activities

Let's divide our activities into three parts: past, present and future. 


Make a presentation or en e-book about the topics or the events you liked most. Use one of the following tools:

(for infographics and posters)

(for presentations using images)

(for e-books)

Revise and use the Past Simple and the Present Perfect.


Imagine you are the teacher for one day. Choose one topic and prepare your lesson selecting your web sources on:

or prepare a presentation using:

Revise and use the Present Simple and the Present Continuous.


This school year is over and the summer holidays are about to begin! Where are you going on holidays? What would you like to do? Which places would you like to see? 
Which class or new school are you attending next year? How can you imagine it? Use the following tools to tell us about your future plans or expectations:

(for your presentation)

(to tell about your journey)

Revise and use the Future Forms (Will; Present Continuous; To be going to).

Enjoy your holidays and always...