Using storyboards can help us to easily transmit any idea, even the most complex, to our students. Storyboards or comics could make it easier to explain events or processes and could help students remember
details and put them on a timeline.
I have to say that I really had fun! StoryboardThat is a really enjoyable tool to create your own comics!
This is my short example:
Click on the link below to enlarge the image:
I've also tried Make Beliefs Comics.
Click on the following link to open my strip.
Lastly I tried Zimmer Twins to create animated strips. It's fantastic!
Lastly I tried Zimmer Twins to create animated strips. It's fantastic!
Here you can see my example:
I think it would be very useful to make our students create their own storyboards, too.
For example, instead of writing only words they could insert drawings to create their reports or summaries.
Moreover, by allowing students to use digital tools we can teach them technological skills that will be very important for their future.