I love using videos in my classes and with the following tool I can even create my own interactive videos!
With Educanon you can choose a video from the web (YouTube, Vimeo, or TeacherTube videos) and embed anything you like. You can transform what is traditionally passive content into an active experience for students.
You can:
(1) Build. You can add questions, lesson information, paste a video or a url directly INTO any video.
(2) Assign. You can create your class(es) and assign lessons.
(3) Monitor. You can watch student progress in real-time, question-by-question.
The following simple example I made for you is in preview mode (I didn't create my own class). In the actual student lesson, students cannot fast-forward or skip parts. Moreover, when they are asked to answer some questions, they can write in a blank space that you cannot see in the preview mode.
Watch my example:
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I think Educanon it's perfect to create your own video lessons in flipped and blended learning environments.Try it!