First of all let' s take a look at some Carnival glossary:
Now let's see UK carnivals by region:
Carnival festival culminates on Shrove Tuesday. Shrove Tuesday, is the day before Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. 'Shrove' derives from an old English word 'shrive', meaning 'confess all sins'. In the UK it is also called Pancake Day because on this day people traditionally eat pancakes.
Surf the following site for more information about Shrove Tuesday in the UK:
Basic Pancake recipes:
Some videos:
Pancake Day
The great pancake race
Your own pancakes race...
Click on my Thinglink image below (I made the mindmap with Spiderscribe), follow the route, open the Word documents, answer the questions about the websites you have just visited... and win the pancakes race!